A few weekends ago, my husband, Paul, and I were watching one of the gazillion food programs on TV, when he remarked, "There's nothing basic on any of the shows!"
I agreed. Although this isn't TV, it's the best I can do ;>)
I've been cooking for (yikes!) over thirty years. In addition to my husband Paul, and son Sean, who are just as serious about cooking as I am, I've got two brothers who are no stranger to the stove, either. In fact, one has a culinary arts degree! Not CIA, tho, from a Michigan college.
What you'll find here are how-to's and stories, a section on shopping on a budget without using coupons, and lots of recipes.
I've got hundreds of recipes -- my own, my mother's, and grandmother's, and I'm sure the guys in the family will have their own contributions. We may be able to get them to guest blog a time or two.
Right now the links are slim, but I've put out a request, and we'll have more as time goes by. I've developed the habit of daily blogging on my other blogs, so you can be fairly sure the postings here will be frequent, and I hope helpful!