Here it is Thursday already and I haven’t done jack here at Food Basics. I’m hoping things will slack off a bit after October is over. I’ve been working on a domestic violence activism project over at my other blog, the DesertLight Journal, and it’s taking an amazing amount of time.
For example, it’s almost 2pm local time, and I’ve just now finished what would normally be the morning’s work on the DLJ. I’ve been at it since 5:30am! Yikes! I think all the major and minor media are scrambling to get their DV stories published before the end of the month.
Thank God for crock pots and microwaves. I nuked myself a cheese sandwich for breakfast awhile back, and I’ve got some corned beef in the crock pot for dinner. So lives the gourmet cook when she’s engaged in other things. ;>)
This is about the only way you’re going to get a decent Reuben sandwich in this part of Arizona. You have to make it yourself! Same goes for bagels, and they’ve never heard of latkes around here.
In AZ’s favor, I do have to say we have great ground beef. Even the cheapest, and theoretically the greasiest variety is nearly as good as the best available in Michigan. And of course, there’s the Mexican food. Every year I promise myself I’m going to take a tamale class, and every year I forget.
Once, shortly after we moved out here, I got cocky and figured I could cook anything as long as I had a recipe. Not!! I tried tamales, and they were a mess. Just awful. Not only did they not taste like anything, I had globs of corn meal stuff everywhere – on the floor, stuck to the stove, etc. I found dried-out bits months later, when we moved the fridge out to make way for a new one.
I think it might be a matter of lack of courage. If I screw up another time, the dread of cleaning up the mess outweighs the possibility that they might come out OK. ;>)