If a Big3 media outlet, such as a local newspaper, had a blogger on board, they could provide an added level of background and reporting to their own stories by providing links to both the blogosphere and other web sites with pertinent information. They could be truly objective by showing all sides of a situation in controversial issues.
Another thing is an idea that I ran across at Sifry’s Alerts:
Blogging a talk-show appearance: Michelle Malkin blogs her side of the story after appearing on MSNBC's Hardball. First-hand accounts like this are shifting the fulcrum away from show hosts and producers who often attempt to unfairly create controversy. Malkin's account, while completely subjective, allows her to get her side of the story out to the world, just as the FCC's Michael Powell or Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, use their blogs to speak to the world in a timely, unedited fashion.