Yep, I know this is late -- so sue me! ;>)
If I had four keyboards and could type on them all simultaneously with both hands and feet, I still could not blog all the stuff that's going on here at Schuett's Greasy Spoon. The cooking is the least of it!
Anyhoo, this is just an observation on EFF. Dave and Robert have been kicking around the issues, but, from a whole 'nother perspective, it looks like EFF may be going the way of Amnesty International (which was once entirely about human rights and is no longer) and the ACLU Both are simply leaning toward leftist/feminist ideology these days.
For those of you kids who think collectivism and socialism is a fine thing, why not Google Stalin and check out what he got up to back in the day?
Sure, this is harsh. But it looks like there are those who would prefer that nobody be able to own the products of their labors, and that bothers me. It shouldn't matter if you're Apple or Microsoft or Bobby's Little Toolshed. I am all in favor of Creative Commons licensure for things like stories and blogs and things that could benefit from simply being dispersed all over. I don't write software, but I recognize that is an entirely different thing than a novel or news writing.
Yes, Open Source also has its place, but do we need the gov to tell us when we may or may not share?
If Bobby comes up with a script that will magically solve the spam issue, he should be able to own that script and charge money for the use of it, just as Apple or Microsoft would. If Apple or Microsoft came up with something, the same rules should apply to them, because they are all businesses.
They are not charities or government entities, and I think sometimes people forget that.
My thoughts exactly. I get so sick of people trying to defend illegal filesharing. Sure, for some filesharing helps them get ahead, but the choice should be left up to the author/copyright holder and not up to the public. After all, the public didn't create anything, how can it be theirs to share. I'm thinking I want a new car but any new car is well beyond my means so I'm going to go take one from the new car dealer and when the police catch me I'll say I didn't steal it, I'm sharing it-- when I get tired of it I'll give it to someone else and go take (not steal) another new car.
Posted by: Billy The Blogging Poet | Friday, April 01, 2005 at 08:57 PM