Terry Teachout unwittingly describes the essence of the WOLves Promotional Group here. His focus is on artists, but there isn't any reason why those in other fields beyond writing couldn't be part of the writer's Group!
if you’re an artist, ask yourself this: how are you using the new media to interact with your audience and spread the word about your work?
I’ve said this before, but it can’t be said often enough: the mainstream media aren’t especially interested in serious art, and such interest as they do have is diminishing daily. If you’re looking to big-city newspapers to start reviewing more literary fiction, or to PBS to telecast more ballet and modern dance, or to your local radio station to continue carrying the Metropolitan Opera’s Saturday broadcasts, you’re kidding yourself. They don’t care. Which leaves you with two options. You can sit around complaining about their indifference—or you can do an end run around them and use the new media to reach out directly to your audience, both existing and potential.
Heck, we could even start calling it the WOLves Writers & Artists. We're all doing the same thing, and appreciate each other's disciplines.
I, too, am a middle-aged digital immigrant—but I’m here, now, communicating directly with you via a medium that barely existed five years ago. No, it wasn’t easy, but I’ve rethought my expectations about what the mainstream media can do for me, and now I’m starting to do some of it myself. You can do the same thing, so long as you let go of your preconceptions about the dominant role of the old media in your professional life.
More info here on joining up!
THX to Jeff Jarvis for the heads-up.