Membership community offers writers resources, articles and a variety of other informational tools for writers including agent and editorial information.
Crime Scene Investigation
An incredible wealth of forensic and crime scene information gathered and published by retired Illinois State Police Master Sargent Hayden Baldwin.
Guide to Grammar and Style
Jack Lynch has updated his grammar, style, and usage guide. And if you need more he provides additional grammar links.
Inside Film Magazine
Industry and market news. Also carries information
about the latest competitions, festivals, and awards.
Jacqui Bennett's Writers Bureau
Great place for writers, especially with English roots. Includes
writing markets not only in the UK but for the US, Austrilia and New Zealand
Site also contains small press and agent information.
Jan's World Of Writing
Site dedicated to children's writing and the authors
of the genre. Site offers links, a newsletter, and the
occasional column.
Jim Cohn
Jim the Critical Hitman offers up a vast array of tireless links,
and information for writer's of all genre, but has a special
emphasis on crime. Shopping your m.s.? Searching for an
agent... I can't say it enough times CHECK OUT Jim's links.
The basics of American copyright law written in very plain
English. Great site, written with a sense of humor,
that includes information on trademark and reproduction law.
Metropolis Ink
Electronic and print on demand publisher.
Marketing and promotion:
Kurt Florman
16851 West Way
PO Box 682
Yarnell AZ 85362
[email protected]
Trafalgar Square Publishing
Publisher of equestrian interest, but also publishes books
on home decorating, gardening, crafts, pets, and mind body
spirit. Books on women's studies, biographies, history,
children's books, and pets.
Trafalgar Square Publishing
Po Box 257 Howe Hill Road
North Pomfret, Vermont 05053
Query: [email protected]
British Columbia Magazine
Quarterly print magazine that profiles beautiful British
Columbia. Written as geographic and travel magazine, this
periodical seeks articles ranging from entertaining and adventureous
to photo journalism.
Query: Bryan McGill, Editor
British Columbia Magazine
Suite 302 - 3939 Quadra Street
Victoria, BC, V8X 1J5
E-mail: [email protected]
A division of Cricket Publications, Faces is seeking a themed
publication for children. Seeks articles, supplimental fiction, and non-fiction.
Mail queries to:
Elizabeth Crooker Carpentiere, Editor
FACES Magazine
Cobblestone Publishing
30 Grove Street, Suite C
Peterborough, NH 03458
Or email them to: [email protected]
Mother Jones Magazine
National bimonthly magazine known for its investigative journalism and
exposes. Wide coverage of social issues, public affairs, and popular
culture. Hard-hitting, investigative reports exposing government cover-ups,
corporate malfeasance, scientific myopia, institutional fraud or hypocrisy, etc.
222 Sutter Street
6th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94108
E-MAIL: [email protected]
New Ideas Magazine
Weekly Austrailian publication.
Lifestyle and entertainment magazine.
Query: [email protected]
Pacific Magazines Sydney
35-51 Mitchell Street
McMahons Point NSW 2060, Australia
Slate Magazine
Online interactive news journal of commentary, issues,
politics and culture. A publication of Washington
Post Newsweek.
Query: [email protected]
place article submission in the subject line.
Slate Magazine
251 W. 57th Street
19th Floor
New York, NY 10019-1894
Mexico - A Love Story
Seal Press is considering essays about experiences by
women who have lived and traveled in Mexico.
Submission Deadline: September 1st 2005
Query: [email protected]
1270 D Storey Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94129
Do you have a writing link that you want to share? Collating an anthology
and looking for works to include? drop me a link and your info at
[email protected]
Write On!
© 2000-2005 Calista Cates